Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is My Mind Shift?

Maybe you have heard all the commotion about binaural beats, all the information about this great new way to improve your life while you sleep. And maybe you want to check them out. You might go to Google and search for them and up comes some great information about binaural beats, including the site My Mind Shift.

My Mind Shift is one of the top products used to sell binaural beats and for several reasons.

My Mind Shift gives you all of the information you need to know to get started with binaural beats, unlike any other seller. At My Mind Shift you can get information about how binaural beats will help with your memory, your success, your sleep, energy, creativity, learning and focus. And it is also in simple easy to understand terms.

In fact My Mind Shift offers you 12 of the very best and most helpful binaural beats recordings a person could ever need. The great part is you can buy each of the downloads separately. This way you can buy just one to make sure you really like the outcome of your brain wave training and once you are happy with the purchase, which you definitely will be, you can purchase more.

The site is very informative about how binaural beats work. They even show you all the phases of sleep you go through and how the binaural beats work with each stage. This way you aren't left with any questions before you purchase.

One of the only downsides is deciding which one to start with. After all, we can all use improvement to some degree or another in all of the twelve areas of life that My Mind Shift offers.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Mind Shift By Paul Reviewed

Have you ever heard of binaural audios before?

Me either... but it is scientifically proven that these special type of audios can be used to influence your brain into specific 'states'. For example they can be used to...

1) Increase Motivation
2) Increase Energy
3) Increase Focus
4) Increase Creativity
5) Increase Learning
6) Increase Happiness
7) Increase Relaxation
8) Decrease Stress
9) Stop Panic Attacks

And so much more.

Without getting into the technical details of how these audios work, let me give you a brief description of how these audios work. Your brain functions on primary frequencies based on the speed of your brain waves. Specific states have specific frequencies... for example if your brain is functioning at a specific frequency of between 13 - 40 Hz this is called 'Beta' waves and it is when your brain is active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition.

But if you are sleeping your brain has a frequency of between 4 - 7 Hz or 'Theta' waves and this is when you are dreaming are in deep meditation or have, REM sleep.

So if you are feeling tired... then you have a particular low brain wave frequency at that time. The power of binaural audios is that it can lift those brain wave frequencies and within 5 minutes make you more alert and active, all by just listening to an audio with a set of stereo headphones.

Now normally these audios cost $29.95 a piece or more but Paul Kleinmeulman has just launched MyMindShift.com and he supplies 12 different audios to help you with specific problems all for the cost of one of these audios.

Lack motivation, simply pop in the maximum motivation audio and within 5 minutes your brain waves will be 'switched on' for more focus and more energy to increase your motivation.

Check it out at...

It is highly recommended.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Mind Shift Review

Are you interested to find out more about how binaural beats can help you, and whether Paul Kleinmeulman audios can really help you? They are audio beats that can help you reap the benefits of hypnosis without the need to a hypnotist around. I have discovered that it is possible to achieve many wonderful mental states with them that help me become more productive in my life. The audios typically take up to take 10 minutes to work after listening to them.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #12

Enter "Strength Training"

This audio is especially designed to improve your strength training, by helping you to concentrate on the job at hand, and inducing your brain in a 'work' state. It helps you to combat the lack of desire to perform work or expend a significant effort.

I especially created this audio because of my personal interest in building muscle quicker. I needed the edge and now I want to give it to you.

This should be used only when you are training for strength (you should start the session 5 minutes before training).

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

This audio induces your brain to stay in a 'work' state.

It oscillates from full activity moments to moderate moments, in order to recover strength and energy.

This audio will certainly help you to reach your goals, since it enhances the level of concentration required. You will gain strength, because of the discipline you will be able to develop. Your mind controls your body, therefore a steady level of concentration is required.

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #6

Enter "Pure Energy"

This audio is especially designed to speed up your brain waves. It gives you a little 'push' in order to feel better, with energy without the stress.

Can be used up to 2 or 3 times in a row. A 15-30 minutes break every 2 sessions is suggested.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

How It Works...

When you are feeling tired your brain wave frequency is lower, by increasing the frequency you will soon feel alert and awake.

Perfect for any time you have an energy slump and you need a pick- me-up.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #8

Enter "Less Stress"

Especially designed to lower your brainwave frequency without going to a 'sleep' state it helps you to feel calm and relaxed in just a few minutes.

Good, relaxed breathing is recommended.

The whole idea is to 'let go' stress. You shouldn't try to fight it, but instead you should focus only on how relaxed you want to be. Visualization of ideal state is recommended.

With that simple idea, this audio will certainly reinforce that relaxed feeling. This should be used daily and can be used virtually at any time of the day.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

It takes you from the higher frequency brainwaves that are known to induce anxiety and stress to a lower frequency, which calms and relaxes you. But it is especially designed not to put you in a sleep state so you can keep on doing what you need to do.

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #5

Enter "Positive Habit Reinforcement"

This audio especially makes you feel better while you are listening to it, which will help you reinforce positive habits while eliminating your negative ones.

I personally call this one my 'happy helper' ;-) and it's available nowhere else.

This can be used at anytime except while you are sleeping.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

How It Works...

Digital Download Only

This secret recipe audio helps you find pleasure while you fight against bad habits. You will make an association between the ‘feel good' moment induced by the calm mind state and your good, positive action.

Stress affects your perception and feelings so this audio will help you to reduce the stress levels/anxiety while fighting a bad habit, making you feel better.

Also your resistance level for change will be reduced.

It is very well known that binaural beats at this frequency also affects the level of serotonin, which helps to inhibit anger, aggression, sleep disturbances and mood swings.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #11

Enter "Active Training"

This audio is especially designed to improve your training, by giving you more energy while keeping you focused on the goal/benefit. It helps you to combat the lack of desire to perform work or expend effort especially when exercising.

I especially created this audio because I know how hard it is to exercise 3 - 5 times a week. I needed the edge and now I want to give it to you.

This should be used only when you exercise (you should start the session 5 minutes before training).

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

This audio induces your brain to have a 'work' state, far away from sleep or resting state. And it helps you to maintain the positive, productive ‘mood' required in your daily exercises.

You will be focused on your goal: to complete your healthy activity for maximum benefit.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #4

Enter "Easy Learning"

This audio helps the brain to be more receptive, relaxed and interested in learning new knowledge. It puts you in the 'learning zone' so your brain can pick up new ideas and actions very easily.

It is best used in the morning when your brain is at it's most receptive. For example, if you wake at 7am, then it is a very good time to use and study with this audio at 9am. Always try to wait a couple of hours after your mealtime, if possible, for maximum effect.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

How It Works...

Digital Download Only

This audio prepares your mind to be more receptive, to reduce drowsiness, and sets the mind in a non-stressed state (stress affects learning, since our mind is distracted).

So it's a 3 punch combo to help you learn at your optimum.

How Is Binaural Beats Helping Me In My Life?

1. Improves My Concentration

This is the biggest reason I use these audio. As I need to write a lot, they have been useful in helping me focus my mind more quickly and make me less distracted. As a result, I find that I have been able to complete my work faster ever since I started using binaural beats.

2. Improves Motivation

These audios have the ability to make my brainwave frequencies align to make me very productive and energetic. Whenever I don't feel like doing anything, but I need to get some work done, I would always use one of the audio files I have called Maximum Motivation to get me started. Within 5 to 10 minutes, I would become highly motivated to start doing what I needed to do.

3. Useful For Relaxing Your Mind

Binaural beats can slow down your brain waves into more relaxing frequencies like Alpha, Theta and Delta. Listen to it to let your mind enter a relaxed state, especially when you need to rest.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #7

Enter "Pure Happiness"

This audio is specifically designed to lift your mood and bring you out of a 'depressive' state.

It's recommended that you should focus on anything that makes you feel good, for at least for 20 seconds. Mainly because this audio will help you to 'sustain' that positive feeling very easily.

This can be combined with, as an example, art (pleasant photos), soft music, and other visual stimulation such as watching the sunset, gardening, playing with a pet... etc.

It is well-known that a happy person tends to be a healthy person.

This audio can be used at any time.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

This secret recipe audio helps you feel better within a few minutes and maintain that happiness through out the day.

It especially lifts the brainwave frequency without stress and reinforces any positive thoughts.

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #3

Enter "Intense Focus"

If you want to be 'in the zone' then this audio is for you. It is especially designed to allow you to continue to focus on a specific task for long periods of time.

But it is not for monotonous tasks... It is for writing a book, programming software, solving problems and many other mental activities that require your full focused attention.

I personally use this one every day.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

This audio especially 'trains' and maintain the brain's dominant frequency at a high frequency.

The mind becomes very active, fully focused, and ready to work. It also helps the mind to maintain the level of concentration for hours.

It can be used at any time.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #10

Enter "Deep Relaxation"

This audio is especially designed to slow down your brain waves from the beta to theta and delta type frequencies, the type of brain waves associated with sleep and deep relaxation.

When you listen to this audio instantly, you will start to slow down, preparing your brain to relax.

This audio shouldn't be used during the day unless you're sure you have the time and you want feel fully relaxed. Bear in mind that it might induce sleep. So, only use it whenever you consider is appropriate.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

Like the Easy Sleep audio, Theta and Delta waves are used. When our brain perceives those binaural beats, the dominant brainwave frequency is likely to move towards those frequencies, preparing your body to relax. In this case the frequency is higher than a 'sleep frequency' but low enough to give a feeling of deep relaxation.

How Does My Mind Shift Work?

With a set of stereo headphones, the audios will play 2 different frequencies into your left and right ears. When your brain hears these 2 frequencies, it will produce a 3rd frequency called a binaural beat, which is the difference between the 2 frequencies you play. As this technology alters brainwaves in your brain, you can achieve the mental states listed above typically within 10 minutes.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #2

Enter "Centered Creativity"

This secret audio recipe increases your innate creativity by switching on a specific frequency in the brain. It's not only limited to art or writing, but can be used to find solutions to complex problems, idea generation and brainstorming.

This audio can be used at any time, especially if you mind is feeling blocked.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

How It Works...

Digital Download Only

This secret audio recipe uses alpha-waves, which helps the mind to stay in a relaxed state: good for any kind of activity that requires creativity.

This state is often found in artists and is a good companion to decrease stress levels.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #9

Enter "Easy Sleep"

Especially designed to slow down the brainwaves and completely relax you, this audio should be used 30 minutes before you go to bed.

It is designed to mimic your natural sleep frequencies which are much slower than when you are normally awake. After you listen to the audio you are assured of a healthy and relaxing sleep.

With this audio you can pay attention to the beats instead of leaving it at a barely audible level, and it acts as an enhanced version of 'counting sheep'.

Unless the person can't sleep at all, this audio should be played only once.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

Theta and Delta waves are used; those waves are present while we sleep. When our brain perceives those binaural beats, the dominant brainwave frequency is likely to move towards those frequencies, preparing your body to relax.

This audio mimics your sleep frequency and within 5 minutes you are there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #1

Enter "Maximum Motivation"

This secret recipe audio is designed to increase your motivation by using specific frequencies designed to give you more energy and focus in a very short amount of time.

It can be used at anytime during the day, early in the morning, after an afternoon nap or at night. This audio helps your mind to achieve a great level of focus, energy and motivation with less effort.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

The special binaural beats in this audio elevate the brain's dominant frequency from a very low frequency like sleep to a Beta state, which means the mind becomes active, and ready to work.

What Does My Mind Shift Binaural Beats Package Consist Of?

I came across this audio pack by Paul Kleinmeulman when I was looking for binaural audios to help improve my concentration, and I will say that they are very effective indeed. It consists of 12 different audios that can help you achieve the following mental states.

1) Increase Motivation

2) Increase Creativity

3) Increase Focus

4) Energy When Working Out

5) Increase Learning Ability

6) Increase Happiness

7) Increase Relaxation

8) Decrease Stress

9) Stop Panic Attacks

10) Positive Habit Reinforcement

11) Increase Energy

12) Easy Sleep