Saturday, January 12, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #9

Enter "Easy Sleep"

Especially designed to slow down the brainwaves and completely relax you, this audio should be used 30 minutes before you go to bed.

It is designed to mimic your natural sleep frequencies which are much slower than when you are normally awake. After you listen to the audio you are assured of a healthy and relaxing sleep.

With this audio you can pay attention to the beats instead of leaving it at a barely audible level, and it acts as an enhanced version of 'counting sheep'.

Unless the person can't sleep at all, this audio should be played only once.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

Theta and Delta waves are used; those waves are present while we sleep. When our brain perceives those binaural beats, the dominant brainwave frequency is likely to move towards those frequencies, preparing your body to relax.

This audio mimics your sleep frequency and within 5 minutes you are there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #1

Enter "Maximum Motivation"

This secret recipe audio is designed to increase your motivation by using specific frequencies designed to give you more energy and focus in a very short amount of time.

It can be used at anytime during the day, early in the morning, after an afternoon nap or at night. This audio helps your mind to achieve a great level of focus, energy and motivation with less effort.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

The special binaural beats in this audio elevate the brain's dominant frequency from a very low frequency like sleep to a Beta state, which means the mind becomes active, and ready to work.

What Does My Mind Shift Binaural Beats Package Consist Of?

I came across this audio pack by Paul Kleinmeulman when I was looking for binaural audios to help improve my concentration, and I will say that they are very effective indeed. It consists of 12 different audios that can help you achieve the following mental states.

1) Increase Motivation

2) Increase Creativity

3) Increase Focus

4) Energy When Working Out

5) Increase Learning Ability

6) Increase Happiness

7) Increase Relaxation

8) Decrease Stress

9) Stop Panic Attacks

10) Positive Habit Reinforcement

11) Increase Energy

12) Easy Sleep