Friday, February 22, 2008

Amazing Binaural Beats Audio #10

Enter "Deep Relaxation"

This audio is especially designed to slow down your brain waves from the beta to theta and delta type frequencies, the type of brain waves associated with sleep and deep relaxation.

When you listen to this audio instantly, you will start to slow down, preparing your brain to relax.

This audio shouldn't be used during the day unless you're sure you have the time and you want feel fully relaxed. Bear in mind that it might induce sleep. So, only use it whenever you consider is appropriate.

Audio Length:- 60 Minutes

Digital Download Only

How It Works...

Like the Easy Sleep audio, Theta and Delta waves are used. When our brain perceives those binaural beats, the dominant brainwave frequency is likely to move towards those frequencies, preparing your body to relax. In this case the frequency is higher than a 'sleep frequency' but low enough to give a feeling of deep relaxation.

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